Thursday, December 3, 2015

Happy 2 Years!!!

On December 2, 2013, I arrived in American Samoa ecstatic and petrified. I sold everything that was important to me, kissed everyone that loved me, quit my job and bought a one way ticket to a tiny island in the middle of the South Pacific ocean. I'm so grateful I didn't have to do this alone. On that tiny remote island in the middle of no where was the love of my life waiting to greet me off that plane. Although it was extremely difficult to leave everything and not look back, I had a lot to look forward to. My beautiful husband!! I remember everything. What I was wearing, the intense humidity when I got off the plane, the smell of food in the airport, the security guards in slippas. I remember his face when I finally made it through customs. I remember him putting on my Lei and carrying my luggage. I remember the way he looked at me, awkward and excited all at once. I remember it all. Everything. I remember it was so dark. I couldn't see anything. But Jameson kept saying...just wait til morning. Everything seemed so foreign. I kept telling myself.. this is it. This is your home now. I'd feel or see something foreign and say... just wait, that will become normal one day.
I blinked and its 2 years later and I can barely remember my past life. Everything feels so incredibly natural and perfect. Nothing is foreign. The bugs, the toads, the dogs, the slow Internet, the 20mph roads, no street lights, no abundance of fruit or vegetables, no great customer service, the puletasis, the lava lavas, riding in the back of a pick up truck, roosters and chickens roaming the roads, everythingggg feels normal. It is so amazing how your mind can adjust. My new normal feels just right and the idea of going  back to the states is petrifying. I am a complete stranger to my home. I have no car, no phone number, no house, no furniture and worst of all, no Jameson. :(

I know moving home will be a huge transition. Transitions are always tough. They very rarely feel natural and almost always causes some degree of stress. I know that is a give away,  but I'm ready for it. 2 years in Samoa is where I say okay, it's time. It's time to return back to reality and start the next chapter of our lives. I can't wait to explore what that will be! With bebot by my side, I'm ready for it. Bring it on!!! 😊❤❤

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