Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The End!!

It finally happened. I never ever thought this day would come. The day I'd leave sweet samoa and move back to the mainland. We always joke around and say Samoa is like Neverneverland. You work (kinda). You're a responsible adult (kinda). You play (A LOT). haha. The average work day lasts from 730 to about 4pm. 4pm is when you clock out but in actuality, your work day ends after lunch time. When the sun is the highest in the sky and the hottest. Everyone stays indoors in their ac (if they r lucky, like me!) and "works". Haha. Very island style and slow pace. Nobody is in a real rush and there are no tight deadlines. It was a nice way to live for a while but I'm ready for a transition. The best part about Samoa is the play. Playing in the beautiful water or enjoying the beautiful outdoors. I'm really going to miss that.

Saying goodbye was the hardest. I've made so many good friendships and my relationship with Jameson is so strong. We have really grown living in Samoa. It has taught us so much about ourselves. I loved experiencing this with him. Packing up the house was so hard too. I cried all day and night. I'm gonna miss our little home on coconut point. But I'm not going to cry because it's over. I'm going to smile because it happened. My heart is full of love and gratitude. Thank you for this life!!!! I'll never forget you Samoa. ❤❤

Faaa soifua for now. ✌

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